Pension Spending

An Expensive Anniversary

Yesterday marked the 25th anniversary of the California Legislature’s passage of SB 400, a retroactive pension increase for public employees that constituted the largest single issuance of public debt in California history.

David Crane

Ballot Measures

State Ballot Measures

Because a number of GFCers have asked how I’ll be voting on state ballot measures this year, I thought it would be easiest to create a post that you can disregard if not interested.

David Crane

Calls to Action: Citizens

Political Muscle For UC

For years the University of California has been treated like a doormat by the state’s elected officials. That’s because UC supporters have not flexed their political muscles. That’s changing.

David Crane

Calls to Action: Citizens

Support East Bay Activism

Inspired by the success of pragmatic political coalitions in San Francisco, two GFC chapters led by Alistair Thornton and Eli Bildner have identified political giving opportunities in the East Bay.

David Crane

Calls to Action: Citizens

Update: $240 Billion Per Year

Earlier this month we wrote to you about $195 billion in annual spending by California governments on compensation and benefits for public employees but that figure did not include spending by counties, which the Mercury News reported yesterday to be $45 billion per year.

David Crane


Our First Step into the Governor’s Race

Yesterday, GFC’s Statewide Committee donated to Antonio Villaraigosa’s campaign for governor. This doesn’t mean he is our one and only pick for 2026. We also admire some others who could join the race.

David Crane

Calls to Action: Citizens

Debts To Public Sector Employees

Last week I wrote you about the $195 billion California governments spend every year on compensation and benefits for public sector employees. Part of that cost is annual service on $270 billion of debt issued to public employees by lawmakers, none of which was approved by voters.

David Crane

Calls to Action: Citizens

$195 Billion Per Year

If ever you had any doubt that governments in California are run primarily for the benefit of public employees, look no further than $195 billion of annual spending by those governments on compensation and benefits awarded by elected officials who receive support or avoid opposition by public sector unions.

David Crane

Ballot Measures

A Profile In Political Effectiveness

As we’ve been noting for some time now, a political renaissance is taking place in California as more political philanthropists engage in effective political activism. An example is TogetherSF Action, which scored a big victory earlier this week when, over the Mayor’s objection, it earned the San Francisco Democratic Party endorsement for Prop D, which would streamline the city’s commission system to make elected officials more accountable.

David Crane

K-12 Education

Support SF Education Reformers

Yesterday San Francisco Mayor London Breed made a gutsy appointment to the presidency of the SF Board of Education when she selected Phil Kim, who served as the national director of STEM education for the Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP) and is a charter school champion.

David Crane

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California


To counter special interest influence and to support like-minded organizations.