Calls to Action: Citizens

Political Muscle For UC

For years the University of California has been treated like a doormat by the state’s elected officials. That’s because UC supporters have not flexed their political muscles. That’s changing.

As we have reported to you before, UC is funded out of the discretionary portion of the General Fund, which is shrinking because of expanding spending on Medi-Cal entitlements and retirement benefits for state employees, and UC competes for that discretionary spending with, among others, prison employee unions who donate to elected officials who provide them with lucrative contracts. Until now, UC supporters have not fought back. But a dynamic organization — Friends of the University — has formed a political action committee to protect and improve UC. Every UC supporter should sign up and donate what they can.

Government services in California have deteriorated despite rising tax rates and revenues. That’s because government spending is being diverted from services to rent-seekers who persistently make political investments in lawmakers. That changes only if political activists engage in the same political warfare as the rent-seekers. We look forward to highlighting many more activist organizations like Friends of the University.