K-12 Education
Earlier this week, students in my public policy class at Stanford talked about their experiences as high school students during COVID. Several attended California public schools that were shut down longer than anywhere else in the country. The consequences went well beyond learning loss to include depression and greater difficulties for poorer parents who relied on school lunches or could no longer drop kids at schools while they went to work.
David Crane
Press Release
I’m sorry to report that earlier today Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 1, which permits legislative staffers to form a union. In doing so, he sent a dagger into the heart of representative democracy in California as legislators already intimidated by government employee unions will soon be intimidated by their own staffers.
David Crane
Press Release
In 1968, Governor Ronald Reagan signed the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act establishing collective bargaining for California’s municipal, county, and local special district employees. Services for municipal, county and special district residents and taxpayers have been in decline ever since.
David Crane
AB 1: A Grave Threat To Democracy In California
A grave threat to democracy in California is sitting on Governor Newsom’s desk. If signed by him, Assembly Bill 1 would allow legislative staff to form a government employee union. That means that the state employees who write and edit thousands of pieces of legislation every year and provide advice to elected legislators about those bills would become a special interest with business before the state.
David Crane
Press Release, Prison Spending
Statement on Proposed Prison Guard Contract
Govern For California issues statement on proposed CCPOA Contract (Bargaining Unit 6)
Govern For California
Prison Spending
Sacramento must prioritize education over more prison guard raises
As of June 30, 2018, California’s prisons (CDCR) incarcerated 130,317 inmates supervised by 56,538 correctional employees paid $4,985,455,000 in salaries.
Govern For California
Prison Spending
OC Register On The Next Prison Guard Contract
The OC Register cited Govern For California in a recent editorial about cynical games being played by the Legislature and Governor in awarding excessive compensation to state prison guards.
Govern For California
Glendale Shows How To Use Obamacare
In 2015 the City of Glendale took advantage of Obamacare to dramatically reduce its spending on health insurance for retired employees and free up funds for spending on active employees and public services.
Govern For California
A new California law that took effect this year may be the most important political reform the state has enacted in a half century. No wonder special interests and the politicians they help elect are trying to kill it.
Govern For California
Budget, Calls to Action: Legislators, OPEB
Dear Legislators,
This week the Biden Administration announced that personal income rose 0.4% in April, consumers increased spending sharply, U.S. economic activity is at its highest pace in more than a year, and the unemployment rate is at an envious 3.4 percent.
Govern For California