BudgetCalls to Action: Legislators

Our View Of Governor’s Proposed 2022-23 Budget

Earlier this week DOF released the Governor’s Proposed Budget for the fiscal year starting July 1. At 400 pages it takes time, a process we have now completed. Some initial thoughts follow:

Govern For California

BudgetCalls to Action: Legislators

Governor’s Proposed Budget

Tomorrow the CA Department of Finance will release the “Governor’s Proposed Budget” for the 2022-23 fiscal year that commences July 1. At nearly 300 pages, it is one of two documents providing deep insight into the state government.* I’ve been reading them for nearly two decades now and offer a few tips:

David Crane

Prison SpendingResearch

Compensation Analysis: California Correctional Peace Officers Bargaining Unit 6

This report examines the compensation of California state correctional officers relative to several other groups. It examines wages in detail because of the richness of available data. It examines benefits in less depth because available data are far less comparable and detailed.

Govern For California

Calls to Action: LegislatorsPrison Spending

Prison Guard Compensation Study

Last June, the governor and legislature granted a $500 million salary increase to state correctional officers without complying with Subsection (c) of Gov. Code Section 19826, which requires the state to produce a study of salaries of employees in comparable occupations before awarding a new contract. So Govern For California commissioned such a study, an advance copy of which is being made available to you in your capacity as a member of a Budget or Public Safety Committee. Its conclusions are stark:

Govern For California

Calls to Action: LegislatorsHealthcareK-12 Education

A Medicare Approach For CA Schools

Whenever I use Medicare, the government pays a health provider of my choice even if the provider is not operated by the government. The same goes for Medicaid, which uses public funds to pay for the care of 15 million Californians.

David Crane

BudgetCalls to Action: Legislators

Immediate Disclosure Required

In January, the 2022-23 Governor’s Budget will be made public, after which public hearings will commence, followed by public distribution of the May Revision to the Governor’s Budget and public enactment of the budget by June 30. Guess what’s not public during that period? Political donations from beneficiaries of budget spending.

David Crane

BudgetCalls to Action: Legislators

Assembly and Senate 2022-23 Budget Blueprints

Dear Legislators,

We enjoyed reading the Senate Budget Plan and Assembly Budget Blueprint for 2022-23. These items stood out to us:

David Crane

Calls to Action: Citizens

Private Equity Executive Meets Public Reality

When a private equity executive filed papers to run for governor of Illinois in 2013, I wondered if he had done due diligence. That’s because Illinois governors can do little without the consent of a majority of legislators whose terms of office, unlike the governor’s term of office, are not term-limited. To me, being governor of Illinois would be like being CEO of a business with 177 board members the consent of a majority of whom I would need to do virtually anything but unlike me with no deadline to act.

David Crane

HealthcareK-12 EducationOPEB

SFUSD Ignores Millions In Federal Funds

San Francisco Unified School District spends up to 250% more than the average CA school district on OPEB, which are insurance subsidies for retired employees.

David Crane

BudgetCalls to Action: Legislators

Stress Testing In Sacramento

Dear Legislators,

In January the Department Of Finance will issue the Governor’s Budget for 2022-23. No section will be more important than the Stress Test, which forecasts revenue losses in the event of a stock market decline such as in 2001-3 and 2008-9.

David Crane

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California


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