Prison Spending

Where Your CA Estimated Tax Payments Are Going

Today marks the date by which third quarter estimated income tax payments are due in California. Some of the money will go to a $500 million per year salary increase awarded in June to prison guards by the Legislature and Governor without complying with state law.

David Crane

Calls to Action: Legislators

In Ventura’s Own Words

Dear Legislators,

If ever there was a bill that was inappropriate for rushed deliberation on a gut-and-amend basis but perfectly appropriate for un-rushed deliberation, it is AB 826. But don’t take our word for it — Ventura itself makes that case.

David Crane


The Impact of Potential CalPERS Policy Changes on Employer Contributions and on Plan Members

At the request of the Carla and David Crane Foundation, we examined a wide range of potential changes to CalPERS pension benefit policies for state plan members, without regard to legal or political feasibility. We modeled these changes for plans for state members of PERF A in CalPERS, whose assets account for approximately 52 percent of PERF A assets and 37 percent of CalPERS assets. The estimates we give below are based on this subset of CalPERS. If policies were applied to the entire CalPERS, the impacts on employer contributions would be about 2.7 times as large as described below, assuming the impacts on non-state- member plans are proportional.

Govern For California

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California


To counter special interest influence and to support like-minded organizations.