
Addressing California’s Budget Shortfall

The Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) has forecast a budget shortfall of $25 billion for Fiscal 2023-24 even if a recession does not occur.

Govern For California

Press Release

Post-Election Statement

On Tuesday, Californians smartly rejected Proposition 30’s tax grab and elected a slate of exceptional legislators to serve in Sacramento.

Govern For California

Calls to Action: Citizens

Timely Disclosure Of Political Contributions

We always encourage readers to explore Cal-Access to gain a sense of how campaigns are financed in California.

Govern For California

Calls to Action: Citizens

California Campaign Finance 101

Our last email elicited several questions about campaign finance so over the next few months we will provide you with short briefings about that subject. Today we address direct donations to candidates and committees that can donate to candidates.

David Crane

Ballot MeasuresTaxes

Beware Bahamian Billionaires Bearing Ballot Measures

A crypto billionaire who shelters his company from US taxes by housing it in the Bahamas is financing tax increase legislation in California.

David Crane


Accountability For Learning Loss

Learning loss due to school closures and remote learning has cost students months of academic progress, with poorer students faring the worst. The 2022-23 education budget proposes record per-pupil spending, yet we lack meaningful visibility into the quality of outcomes produced for students.

Govern For California


A Dangerous May Revision

We scratched our heads Friday when — despite a steep fall-off in the stock market and a first quarter contraction of the US economy — we learned the May Revision of the Governor’s Proposed Budget expects rosy tax revenues for the 2022-23 fiscal year commencing July 1. After reading the document, we learned how that happened:

David Crane

Ballot MeasuresTaxes

Destructive Altruism

Two social media and crypto executives are behind an initiative on the November ballot that would jeopardize steady funding for services financed by the General Fund and force state taxpayers to use after-tax dollars to fund what the sponsors and others like them could fund with pre-tax dollars.

David Crane


Revenue Estimates

Imagine you are responsible for projecting state tax revenues for the 2022-23 fiscal year commencing July 1. Here are some things you know:

David Crane

Calls to Action: CitizensK-12 Education

Harvard Confirms A Truth We All Knew

Unlike their counterparts in California, poor students in Texas and Florida didn’t fall behind in math during the pandemic. That’s because they were allowed to attend school in person. According to a new study by Harvard University,

David Crane

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California


To counter special interest influence and to support like-minded organizations.